South Yarra House
This highly detailed residence intersects volumes of space.
As both a design and then construction project it evolved in both scale and intensity as a result of a vigorous association between us and the client. This intimacy of association fostered an authentic engagement with the client.
Our architectural proposal exhibits a progression of spaces that begin with the more traditional containment of front rooms through to the dynamic space of the rear extensions. This mood swing clarifies the nature of the original house which is enhanced by returning the front main rooms to their original intent following decades of alterations.
This formality is broken down toward the rear of the residence through the intersection of volumes and the judicious drawing in of light. The spatial movement continues into the landscape through a series of glazed and screened thresholds to intermediated terraces and decks.
The new areas of the plan aligns with the original structure but then the treatment of both structure and fabric subvert any direct association. The expression of the architecture does not distinguish between the structure of the enclosure, inserted joinery and landscaped elements.

This is a tailored space… I get the sense that the house fits its occupants like a glove.
Leon van Schaik

“John Wardle concentrates, through a complete and continuous visualisation of the whole outcome, on a lateral, personal and constant engagement with the ‘architectural reality’ of his clients, and so to some extent, of us all.”
Leon van Schaik