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The Australian Institute for Infectious Disease (AIID) will be a globally significant facility supporting research into life-saving therapeutics, diagnostics and vaccines to protect Australians against infectious diseases and future pandemics. Bringing together three of Victoria’s most prestigious organisations in infectious diseases: the University of Melbourne, the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (Doherty Institute), and the Burnet Institute, the AIID building will be located in Melbourne's world-leading Biomedical Precinct.

The new facility will see an expansion of the Doherty Institute and an increase and relocation of Burnet Institute from its current location at the Alfred Hospital Campus in Prahran.

Designed to accommodate a range of critical research infrastructure, platforms and other facilities, the building will enable the AIID partners to expand their existing research, public health and clinical trials capacity. Co-location of AIID partners within a purpose-built facility will create critical mass, foster greater integration across academia and industry, build workforce capacity and capability, and strengthen research outcomes and impacts. This co-location will integrate the various complementary capabilities across Victoria’s infectious diseases, public health and global health ecosystem.

  • Traditional Custodians Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung people
  • Client University of Melbourne
  • Location Parkville, Victoria
  • Floor Area 42,000m2
  • Project Duration 2023 - 


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