In partnership with Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, we’re delighted to announce the first stage of our Biodiversity Recovery Project.
In the beginning of 2020 in the aftermath of the summer’s horrific bushfires, we began exploring different ways to contribute to the recovery process. So began a series of conversations with Tim Entwisle and the team at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (RBGV) about the vital importance of preserving plant biodiversity – particularly in regions where plant species are critically endangered. While the immeasurable damage to people and wildlife has been front of focus since the bushfires, the devastating impact on plant life has received far less attention.
In December 2020, the Biodiversity Project will see Botanists from the Victorian Conservation Seedbank carrying out targeted collecting trips to harvest seeds and cuttings from Victoria’s most threatened plant species, particularly from the vast East Gippsland 2019–2020 fire scar.